Congregational Studies Worldwide

The Future of the Parish and the Free Congregation

Thorsten Latzel | Gerhard Wegner (Eds.)

In the Christian churches, and in Protestantism in particular, the local gatherings of the faithful – parish and non-territorial free congregations – are of crucial importance. Viewed from a global perspective, they offer an extremely popular format and are growing, as for example in China and Latin America. In central and northern Europe, on the other hand, the Protestant parish and its congregation tend rather to be in decline. What is the current situation of church parishes and congregations? This book presents research into this topic from all over the world. China is among the countries represented, as are the United States (as the »motherland« of the autonomous congregation), Switzerland, Germany and Scandinavia. The researchers have identified and defined a number of different lines of development. Ecclesiastical sociologists, sociologists of religion, and indeed everybody who is interested in the future of Protestantism will find some new insights into an old topic here. ...


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