Imago Dei

The 12th Comenius Conference
Beihefte zur Ökumenischen Rundschau, 141

Ibolya Balla | Jaap Doedens (Eds.)

The papers of the 12th Comenius Conference titled »Imago Dei« (20–23 April 2022, Pápa Reformed Theological Seminary, Hungary) discussed especially the question what it means to be human. Are we just biological beings, not substantially different from other living beings? Or are we created in the image of God, having a special value and dignity over all creatures? The special place of humankind in creation is often recognized in the ability of (abstract) thinking, speaking, creativity. However, can rationality define humans and set them apart from other creatures? How can we communicate the rule of God, or the responsibility and accountability of humankind toward the Creator and the people of modern ages?

[Imago Dei. Die zwölfte Comenius-Konferenz]

In den Vorträgen der 12. Comenius-Konferenz mit dem Titel »Imago Dei« (20.–23. April 2022, Reformiertes Theologisches Seminar Pápa, Ungarn) ging es insbesondere um die Frage, was es bedeutet, ein Mensch zu sein. Sind wir nur biologische ...


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