Living Tradition

Continuity and Change as Challenges to Churches and Theologies
Beihefte zur Ökumenischen Rundschau, 140

John Anthony Berry | Viorel Coman (Eds.)

Living tradition is the focal point of this volume, exploring ›theologies of tradition,‹ ›captivities of tradition,‹ ›changing traditions,‹ and ›dynamics of Tradition.‹ It takes on the notion of ›living tradition‹ from four distinct angles. How do various churches and denominations handle continuity while embracing different theologies of tradition? How do individuals address traditionalism and fundamentalism when faced with the captivities of tradition? In what ways can identity be preserved through discontinuities when dealing with changing traditions? The volume encompasses contributions from 31 scholars, presented during the 21st academic consultation of Societas Oecumenica (the European Society for Ecumenical Research).

[Lebendige Tradition. Kontinuität und Wandel als Herausforderungen für Kirchen und Theologien]

Die lebendige Tradition steht im Mittelpunkt dieses Bandes und untersucht ›Theologien der Tradition‹, ›Gefangene der Tradition‹, ›sich verändernde ...


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