Towards Interchangeability

Reflections on Episcopacy in Theory and Practice
Beihefte zur Ökumenischen Rundschau, Band 135

Mark Chapman | Matthias Grebe | Friederike Nüssel | Frank-Dieter Fischbach (Eds.)

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This book examines how the practice of episcopacy in the Church of England and the EKD affects the claim that the ›historic episcopate‹ is a necessary condition for ›the full interchangeability of ministers‹. It addresses four questions relating to the practice of oversight: How have different forms of oversight sought to maintain the apostolic ›historic‹ faith in history and today? How does the exercise of authority within contemporary societies relate to the pre-modern ideas expressed in the idea of historic episcopate? How has the practice of oversight changed in the light of demographic changes and declining levels of church membership? What are the implications of synodical government and shared oversight for the ...


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