Pentecostal movement and charismatization

Approaches – Suggestions – Perspectives

Ed. by Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland (EKD), transl. by Neville Williamson

EKD-Orientierungshilfe // A Guidance – A Theological Guidance – Advisory Guide

In many countries, Pentecostal churches are the fastest-growing Christian group. About one quarter of Christians around the world belong to a Pentecostal or charismatic church. The denominational landscape is thereby changing, also increasingly in Europe. How can a constructive dialogue succeed, which does not ignore critical aspects?

This is the guiding question of the orientation aid of the EKD chamber for worldwide ecumenism. To facilitate dialogue, it first introduces the history and typology of the Pentecostal movement and, on the basis of case studies, draws a broad panorama of its cultural forms. A focus of the volume is on the discussion of fundamental theological questions that arise in conversation with Pentecostal churches.

[Pfingstbewegung und Charismatisierung]

Pfingstliche Kirchen sind in vielen Ländern die christliche Gruppierung, die am schnellsten ...


12,00 EUR (inkl. 7 % MWSt. zzgl.)

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Quatember 88 (2024) 4
Quatember, 4|2024