Reading Luther

The Central Texts. Selected and annotated by Martin H. Jung
Lutheran Theology: German Perspectives and Positions, Band 3

Georg Raatz | Urs Christian Mundt | Saskia Kredig (Eds.)

Take a fresh look at Martin Luther and his original works! Here the fundamental key texts have been compiled in one single book, introduced by Martin H. Jung’s informative commentaries. The English language translations are up to date and easily understood. Apart from well-known works such as the »95 Theses« and »On the Freedom of a Christian«, this collection also contains dogmatic and devotional texts as well as problematic tracts, for example on the Turks and the Jews. They provide an easily readable insight into the authentic Luther. The book is well suited for confirmation classes, youth groups and adult education as well as for use in churches, congregations, schools and institutions. The book is strongly to be recommended not just for study purposes but also for private reading.

[Luther lesen]

Lernen Sie Martin Luther neu und im Original kennen! In diesem Band sind zentrale und grundlegende Texte des Reformators versammelt. Mit informativen Einleitungen ...


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