Breaking the Master's S.H.I.T. Holes

Doing Theology in the Context of Global Migration
Contact Zone. Explorations in Intercultural Theology, Band 25

Musa W. Dube | Paul L. Leshota (Eds.)

The Trump neo-liberal and global warming era has intensified migration, highlighting the diasporic space and global structures as the context of theological inquiry. It is signified by the rise of overt sexism, racism, classism, anthropocentricism, Islamophobia and intensified conservatism that determine who crosses the boundaries, the terms of their crossing and the hospitality they receive. President Trump’s shocking statement that characterized some Two-Thirds World countries as S.H.I.T. Holes as well as his travel ban policies that targeted countries of particular religious faith, attest to overt racism. In this volume, African theological scholars challenge euro-centric racist-global immigration policies and propose the paradigm of breaking the master’s S.H.I.T. Holes.

[Die Kloschüsseln der Herrschenden zerbrechen. Theologie treiben im Kontext globaler Migration]

Die Trump-Ära hat im Zeichen von Neo-Liberalismus und Klimawandel eine Migrationswelle ausgelöst ...


44,00 EUR (inkl. 7 % MWSt. zzgl.)

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