After Brexit?

European Unity and the Unity of European Churches

Matthias Grebe | Jeremy Worthen (Eds.)

The political, social and cultural dimensions of European unity are going through a period of unsettling change and challenge. Whatever direction it takes, Brexit marks a crossroad from which there is no easy return to the way things were before.
How do the churches of Europe make sense of what is happening, and how should they respond? Is the unity between them, the focus for a century of ecumenical endeavour, a strength on which they can draw, or does that unity itself face new threats?
»After Brexit?« is a vital resource for all those interest-ed in these questions, bringing together contributions from scholars and church leaders. It reviews the role of the churches in European integration as a post-war project, analyses the current political and social landscape, and identifies key issues for the future of ecumenism in Europe.

“Brexit has proved to be the most complex and polarising political and social challenge that the United Kingdom has faced since the Second World War. If it ...


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