The Present »Just Peace/Just War« Debate

Two Discussions or One?
Beihefte zur Ökumenischen Rundschau, Band 121

Ad de Bruijne | Gerard den Hertog (Eds.)

At first the end of the »Cold War« seemed to mark a period of relative rest. However, it became apparent that we have not reached the »end of history«. As a matter of fact, the world is confronted by new political constellations of so far unknown martial intensity. Although, Muslim terrorism and the revival of tribalism and nationalism are closely connected. At the same time, the international community proves mostly powerless, as a result of the cooling relationship between East and West.
These developments offer challenging questions for Western societies. Both in Germany and in the Anglo-Saxon world, debates on the concepts of Just peace/ Just war have intensified, but mutual engagement between these contexts has remained scarce. Against this background a conference was held in Apeldoorn, in a Dutch »interspace«, in 2016, in which ethicists from both contexts were involved. The present volume contains the edited version of the seven contributions to this conference, supplemented ...


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