Lehel Lészai
This volume discusses the question of the synoptic gospels and the reconciliation of the relationship of God and man. The sending of Jesus was followed by the vocation and election of the disciples. This call and election happened in accordance with Jesus' and the Father's sovereign will. Jesus’ disciples received calling primarily for service. Furthermore, the disciples' mission is examined. The Father sent the Son, and Jesus sent the disciples to preach about God’s kingdom, conversion and belief in the Gospel and the disciples did not resist their mission. In the last chapter we concluded that the triune God out of his endless grace called us, elected us and sent us deeming us worthy of being his serving and suffering fellow-workers.
[Jüngerschaft in den synoptischen Evangelien]
Dieser Band beschäftigt sich mit der Frage nach den synoptischen Evangelien und der versöhnenden Beziehung der Menschen mit Gott. Gott sandte seinen Sohn, worauf die Berufung und Erwählung der ...