Transformative Readings of Sacred Scriptures

Christians and Muslims in Dialogue
LWB-Dokumentation / LWF Documentation, Band 62 (Englisch)

Simone Sinn | Dina El Omari | Anne Hege Grung (Eds.)

The interpretation of sacred scriptures engenders vivid debates in religious communities, both at the scholarly and grass-roots levels. Issues of debate are the hermeneutical assumptions, the methods of interpretation, and the constructive and harmful implications of certain readings. For Christian and Muslim communities, themes related to God’s grace, violence, gender relations and ecology, are topical. As scholars from different contexts and faith backgrounds together interpret sacred texts they gain fresh insights into their meaning and their transformative dynamics.

Essays by authors with expertise in scriptural interpretation, religious studies, pastoral care, philosophical theology, gender studies and pedagogy explore Christian and Muslim perspectives on scriptural interpretation, and discuss how to understand how God communicates with the world today.

[Heilige Schriften heute verstehen. Christen und Muslime im Dialog]

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