Responsibility and the Enhancement of Life

Essays in Honor of William Schweiker

Günter Thomas | Heike Springhart (Eds.)

In the 21st century and in a globalized world, how can an ethic of responsibility orient the powerful human striving for the enhancement of life? – This question is at the center of the program of theological humanism developed by the American ethicist William Schwei­ker. His ethic of responsibility takes the integrity of all human as well non-human life as a central criterion for the enhancement of life.

The contributions of this collection dedicated to William Schweiker discuss and explore key elements of his work, in exemplary studies and from a variety of disciplinary perspectives. They examine the contours of this ethic, analyze the claims of a moral realism, and investigate the backgrounds of his theological humanism.

[Verantwortung und Lebensverbesserung]

Wie kann eine Ethik der Verantwortung im 21. Jahrhundert in einem globalen Horizont des Handelns das machtvolle menschliche Streben nach einer Verbesserung des Lebens orientieren? – Diese Frage steht im Mittelpunkt ...


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