Reformation Then and Now

Contributions to the Ninth theological Conference within the Framework of the Meissen Process of the Church of england and the evangelical Church in Germany
Beihefte zur Ökumenischen Rundschau, Band 109

Ed. by Richard Chartres, Christoph Ernst, Leslie Nathaniel and Friederike Nüssel

This volume documents the ninth theological conference of the Church of England and the Evangelical Church in Germany held in London in January 2016 as part of their Meissen process.
The two churches are committed to engage within the Meissen process in joint theological work which, on this occasion, focused on similarities and differences of their respective reformatory origins. The twelve conference papers also paradigmatically discuss the consequential impact that reformation movements have for the churches, for ecumenism and the churches’ socio-political responsibilities today. Reformatory origins and evolving tasks merge in light of the upcoming Reformation anniversary of 2017.

Mit Beiträgen von Nicholas Baines, Richard Chartres, Carolyn Hammond, Margot Käßmann, Torrance Kirby, Jörg Lauster, Friederike Nüssel, Stephen Plant, Sigurd Rink, Gury Schneider-Ludorff, Elaine Storkey und Michael Weinrich.

[Reformation damals und heute]
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