To All the Nations

Lutheran Hermeneutics and the Gospel of Matthew
LWB-Studien / LWF Studies, 2/2015

Kenneth Mtata | Craig Koester (Eds.)

In his pastoral and theological reflections, Martin Luther always sought faithfully to discern the Word of God from the Scriptures. Luther drew on the Gospel of Matthew when developing edifying sermons as well as teasing out valuable ethical insights for the Christian engagement in society. While his immediate ­audience was in Wittenberg, the Gospel of Matthew has continued to be a resource for the church’s mission.

In this collection of essays, internationally renowned theologians reflect on the ongoing reception of the Gospel of Matthew from the Reformation until today, and how, in light of the Lutheran interpretive traditions, it remains a valuable resource for the church as it seeks to respond to contemporary concerns in its mission to the whole world.

[Für alle Völker. Lutherische Hermeneutik und das Matthäusevangelium]

In seinen pastoralen und theologischen Überlegungen war Martin Luther stets bestrebt, der Heiligen Schrift treu das Wort Gottes zu entnehmen. Luther ...


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