Religious Identity and Renewal in the Twenty-first Century

Jewish, Christian and Muslim Explorations
LWB-Dokumentation / LWF Documentation, Band 60 (Englisch)

Simone Sinn | Michael Reid Trice (Eds.)

Religions carry strong visions of renewal and thereby have the potential to trigger dynamics of change in all spheres of human life. Religions have contributed to societal transformation and processes of renewal spark intensive theological debates. The renewal of religious identity is informed by how religious communities interpret their traditions and past, present, and future challenges to themselves, society and the world at large. How do religious communities understand their own resources and criteria for renewal in the twenty-first century?

In this publication, Jewish, Christian and Muslim scholars analyze and reflect on the meaning and dynamics of religious renewal and explore the meaning of religious renewal across religious traditions.

[Religiöse Identität und Erneuerung im 21. Jahrhundert. Jüdische, christliche und muslimische Perspektiven]

Religionen haben klare Vorstellungen von Erneuerung und damit das Potential, in allen Sphären menschlichen Lebens ...


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