Images of the Divine and Cultural Orientations

Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Voices

Michael Welker | William Schweiker (Eds.)

This innovative volume explores the »iconic problem« in the Abrahamic religions and how it can provide cultural orientation for religious and non-religious people. This »problem« is the presence of two opposed injunctions present in these religions: the prohibition of the making of images and yet the proliferation of images of God within these traditions.

In an age shaped by a whirlwind of images through the global media systems – some peaceful, some violent –, the works collected in this book show how the religions can address the »iconic problem« in our age of global image making. Readers interested in the monotheistic religions, the reality of global media, and the formation of human consciousness by religion and media will find here rich and provocative resources for reflection.

[Bilder des Göttlichen und kulturelle Orientierungen. Jüdische, christliche und islamische Stimmen]

Dieses innovative Buch bearbeitet das »ikonische Problem«, dass die abrahamitischen ...


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