Liberated by God’s Grace

2017 – 500 years of Reformation

Anne Burghardt (Ed.)

In these four booklets, theologians from all parts of the world reflect on the main theme and three sub-themes (Liberated by God’s Grace: Salvation—Not for Sale; Human Beings—Not for Sale; Creation—Not for Sale) of the Lutheran World Federation’s commemoration of the 500th
Anniversary of the Reformation.

This collection of essays provides profound insights into the crucial issues and challenges daily faced by the members of the worldwide Lutheran communion in very diverse contexts. The theological concept of justification by God’s grace and its consequences for different dimensions of life serve as the main guiding principles for the essays, each one of which is accompanied by three questions that invite to further contextual reflection on the subject.

This work comes in a boxed set of four booklets, which can only be purchased together.
Booklet 1: Liberated by God´s Grace – 500 years of Reformation
Booklet 2: Salvation – Not for Sale
Booklet 3: Human Beings – Not for ...


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