T. C. Chao, Bliss Wiant and the Contextualization of Hymns in Twentieth Century China
Contact Zone. Explorations in Intercultural Theology, Band 17
Ruiwen Chen
CHEN Ruiwen (*1984) investigates the contextualization of Chinese hymns through the creative collaboration between T. C. Chao (1888-1979), perhaps China’s greatest twentieth century theologian, and Bliss Wiant (1895-1975), an American missionary and musicologist, in the 1920s and 1930s. Their creative interpretations of hymn translations, hymn writing, and music are explored through two hymnals produced by Chao and Wiant, Christian Fellowship Hymns and Hymns for the People (both 1931). They have made a lasting and unique contribution to Chinese hymnody, an important but so far neglected area in the study of the history of Christianity and contextual theology in China.
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CHEN Ruiwen (*1984) untersucht die Kontextualisierung chinesischer Kirchenlieder am Beispiel der fruchtbaren Zusammenarbeit zwischen T. C. Chao (1888-1979), Chinas wohl prominentesten Theologen des 20. Jahrhunderts, und Bliss Wiant (1895-1975), einem amerikanischen Missionar und ...