Religious Plurality and the Public Space

Joint Christian-Muslim Theological Reflections
LWB-Studien / LWF Studies, 1/2014

Simone Sinn | Mouhanad Khorchide | Dina El Omari (Eds.)

Religious plurality is an integral part of most societies. Across the globe, different visions of life and religious commitment not only shape people’s private lives but have an intrinsic public dimension. Societies need to find ways to acknowledge and deal with this diversity in the public space. Religious communities and theo­logians are challenged to interpret their own traditions in ways that enable the constructive engagement with religious plurality. In this volume, Christian and Muslim scholars from Africa, the Americas, Asia and Europe together explore the meaning of public space. In relation to their contexts, they examine how public space can be understood as a shared space and discuss the meaning of secularity in plural societies.

[Religiöser Pluralismus und öffentlicher Raum. Christliche und muslimische theologische Reflexionen]

Vielerorts bildet religiöser Pluralismus einen integralen Bestandteil des gesellschaftlichen Lebens. Weltweit prägen ...


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