After Violence

Religion, Trauma and Reconciliation

Ed. by Andrea Bieler, Christian Bingel and Hans-Martin Gutmann

The violence unleashed in various forms of warfare and systemic injustice does not simply disappear once a war or a dictatorship is officially ended. The effects of violence continue to live on powerfully in both psychic processes and in communal and personal relationships.

What enables people to live in the aftermath of traumatizing acts of violence? Is it possible to disrupt the vicious circle of destructive reciprocity at work in armed conflicts, wars, and genocide? What does it mean to open up spaces of remembrance and mourning which do not reproduce violence mimetically? What does it mean to reflect theologically on reconciliation in these contexts? Is it possible to achieve reconciliation that does not let the perpetrators of violence off too easy, thus adding to the humiliation of the survivors?

The contributors to this volume examine an array of situations in the aftermath of violence, in which new forms of violence have emerged, including post-Apartheid South Africa, ...


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