Europa reformata

European Reformation Cities and Their Reformers

Hrsg. von Michael Welker, Michael Beintker und Albert de Lange

Englische Ausgabe

This beautifully illustrated, compact volume traces the profile of 48 European cities in early Reformation times. It transports readers across Europe from Spain to Estonia, from Scotland to Romania, passing through many fascinating cities in the Reformation heartland of this continent.

With finely drawn historical portraits and abundant pictorial material, the articles by different scholars also feature the most prominent Reformers who lived and worked in each city (including six dynamic women).

Supplemented by an illustrated map of Europe, local websites and reading lists, Europa Reformata will serve as a guide for visitors and armchair travelers alike. By highlighting so many cities and pioneers of the Reformation, it makes a timely and unique contribution to the 500th anniversary of this groundbreaking movement.

[Europa reformata. Reformationsstädte Europas und ihre Reformatoren]

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Europa Reformata

Hrsg. von Michael Welker, Michael Beintker und Albert de Lange

Europa Reformata

Reformationsstädte Europas und ihre Reformatoren

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